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1. Introduction

Group 4 (hereafter “G4”) values the right to privacy and this Privacy Policy ("the Policy") demonstrates G4's firm commitment to the promotion and protection of this fundamental right.


i. This Policy seeks to explain G4's personal information collection and dissemination practices, and the measures implemented for the protection of your privacy.

ii. In the event of reform or amendment to the law, G4 may change the Policy. Any amendment to the Policy will be posted on this website - (hereafter "the Website").


2. Information Collection and Use

G4 will have access to information generated as a consequence of you browsing and/or registering on the Website, including personal information that G4 may require to enable the provision of services between you and G4. This will include the following:


i. Personal information may be required by G4 to assist in the provision of its services.

ii. If you furnish G4 with false or misleading information, G4 reserves the right to terminate your access to the Website.

iii. In order to deliver the best web browsing experience, G4 employs 'session cookies' which customise information to suit your needs. Unlike the conventional cookie, session cookies do not remain stored on your computer. They are stored in your browser and are destroyed once the browser window is closed. For the Website to function efficiently, session cookies must be accepted. For more information, please consult your browser's Help file.

iv. G4 may also have access to information stored on server logs which collect statistical data such as domain names that you visit in a link from the Website, your browser type and your operating system. These statistics assist G4 in better understanding the traffic patterns to the Website and in developing the Website's design, layout and content to deliver an enhanced web browsing experience.


2.1. Legal Basis for Processing Data

G4 processes personal data on several legal grounds: for the performance of a contract, compliance with legal obligations, and legitimate interests. For example, we hold private data, such as passports, to fulfill our contractual obligations. We store this information for the duration of the service agreement and delete it one month after the service is terminated. However, clients can request immediate deletion upon termination of the service. For more details on how we use personal data under our contractual obligations, please refer to our Terms and Conditions.


2.2. International Data Transfers

No personal data is transferred outside of Gibraltar. All customer data is kept securely within our systems, and we do not share any personal information with external parties.


2.3. Data Retention Periods

We retain personal data for as long as a client remains signed up for our services. Upon cancellation, the data is kept for an additional month in case the client wishes to reactivate their services. However, clients may request immediate deletion of their data upon termination of the service.


3. Third-Party Hosting

The Website is hosted and maintained by a third party on G4's behalf on a remote server (the "Third Party") who will have access to information transmitted as a consequence of browsing and registering on the Website.


i. The Third Parties' right to access information is strictly governed by a written contract between G4 and the Third Party.

ii. The Third Party is not authorised to access or process information for any purpose other than to discharge their contractual obligations to G4.

iii. The Third Party is not authorised to use information for their personal marketing purposes.

iv. Information is transmitted to G4 on a non-secure connection. Such information will only be sought by G4 to the extent necessary to enable the efficient and effective provision of G4's services.


4. Disclosure of Information

i. Except as stated at clause 3 above and 4.ii. below, G4 will not sell, trade, rent or disclose any information to parties for any purpose without your prior consent. For further details on our disclosure practices, please refer to our Terms and Conditions.

ii. G4 may disclose information without your prior consent in the case of an emergency which compels such disclosure or if G4 is obliged to do so by operation of law. 


5. Use of Information for Marketing

G4 may use information to provide the services requested by you.

i. Unless otherwise indicated, may be retained and used by G4 for the purpose of G4's own direct marketing only.

ii. If, having submitted your personal information, you do not wish to receive any direct marketing materials from G4, please let us know by sending an e-mail to or writing to us on Leon House, No.1, Secretary’s Lane, GX11 1AA, Gibraltar, GIBRALTAR. You may do this at any time after submitting your personal information.


6. Accuracy of Information

G4 aims to maintain all information collected and processed as accurately as possible. If you would like to review or amend the details you have provided, please contact G4.


7. Data Retention Limits

Personal and financial information processed by G4 for any purpose shall not be held for longer than is necessary for that purpose.


8. Security Measures

In compliance with the Data Protection Act, for the protection of privacy, G4 implements strict security procedures for the storage and disclosure of information transmitted to G4. These procedures are intended to protect information from unauthorised access, modification, loss and destruction. G4 uses industry standard practices to safeguard confidentiality. However, G4 cannot guarantee secure transmission of information over the Internet.


9. Liability for External Sites

G4 will not be held liable for the contents, privacy statements and practices of other websites that are accessible from the Website. G4 recommends that you read the privacy statements of each site accessed. Links made available on the Website should not be taken as an endorsement of the contents and views contained in those websites.


10. Right to Access Information

Under the Data Protection Act, you are entitled, upon written request, to be given a description of all personal information held by G4 about you. If you require a copy of data we hold on you, please contact us by sending an e-mail to or writing to us on Ground Floor, Leon House, No.1, Secretary’s Lane, GX11 1AA, Gibraltar, GIBRALTAR. Any request will be processed within 30 days.


11. Right to Rectification and Erasure

You also have the right to have data we hold on you to be deleted, or rectified if the data we hold is incorrect. Please contact us by sending an e-mail to or writing to us on Ground Floor, Leon House, No.1, Secretary’s Lane, GX11 1AA, Gibraltar, GIBRALTAR.


12. Data Breach Notification

In the event of a data breach, G4 will notify affected customers via the email address provided during registration within 48 hours of identifying the breach.


12.1. Data Protection Concerns

If you have any privacy-related concerns, please email us at and we will assist you promptly.


13. Anti-Spam Policy

Despite G4's best efforts to prevent unsolicited e-mail ('spam') being sent to you, spam may sometimes get through. G4 does not send spam and views spam as a serious violation of privacy and a misuse of the Internet. If you receive spam from an address bearing the domain name "", please contact G4. G4 will endeavour to trace the source and take reasonable steps to try and prevent further spam being sent to you from that source.


14. Questions or Concerns

If at any time you have any questions or concerns about G4's privacy commitment, please contact G4 by e-mailing or writing to Ground Floor, Leon House, No.1, Secretary’s Lane, GX11 1AA, Gibraltar, GIBRALTAR.


15. Browser Information Collection

Other individuals who have access to a computer that you have used may be able to discover what websites you have browsed by accessing its computer history file or cache file. You should ensure you fully understand the information that the web browser you are using is collecting and storing.

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